Know. Grow. Go.
Sunday's Schedule
9:00 am - Traditional Worship Service
10:00 am - Sunday School (children/youth/adults)
11:00 am - Contemporary Worship Service
Youth Group
at Penbrook Church of God

Our Youth Group helps with our Vacation Bible School
To walk alongside students and their families, developing and growing a lasting relationship with Jesus Christ through the teaching of foundational biblical truth.
To incorporate the help of the whole congregation in mentoring our youth in a Christ centered, loving way that will demonstrate the relevance of a God focused life. To have themed projects, activities and studies for our students that involve multiple generations with the goal of strengthening their personal relationship with Jesus Christ and help them mature in their faith and own their faith. To instill sound biblical principles so our students can share the saving knowledge of Jesus with their peers. Our golden rule is found in Mathew 7:12 “so in everything, do to others what you would have them do to you, for this sums up the Law and the Prophets”
Our Youth Group (Middle School to High School) meets on Sunday evenings from 6:00 - 7:30 PM throughout the school year. There are also various activities planned throughout the summer months as scheduled. Our youth leaders strive to reach as many middle and high schoolers with the saving love of Christ as possible. This is accomplished by offering a balanced program of Bible studies, study of topics relative to youth problems and concerns and high-energy fun activities and programs.
Activities have and continue to include:
Service projects
Yearly attendance at “Creation”
Seasonal parties
Trips to amusement parks
And…..any other exciting activities that our creative youth leaders plan…..
The contact person for our youth group is Wayne Anderson, our Director of Discipleship and Youth. He may be contacted at 717.233.0160 or at pcogdy@penbrookcog.org