Know. Grow. Go.
Sunday's Schedule
9:00 am - Traditional Worship Service
10:00 am - Sunday School (children/youth/adults)
11:00 am - Contemporary Worship Service
Who We Are at Penbrook Church of God -
Finding Your Connection
What are we passionate about? Our mission is simple: Knowing Christ, Growing in Christ, Going in Christ.
Knowing Christ
We are a people who have a passion to know Christ. We were created for connections with God. We come to know Him through Biblical teaching from the children to adults. The Bible is the ultimate authority for all we believe, teach and do. God is knowable and made us to know Him. We also come to know Christ as we connect with other folks in the family of God.
Growing in Christ
We are committed to grow in our personal relationship with Christ. We grow the way believers have always grown. The Bible describes the atmosphere of growth: “They were continually devoting themselves to the apostles’ teaching and to fellowship, to the breaking of bread and to prayer. Everyone kept feeling a sense of awe…” (Acts 2:42-43 NASB). We grow through authoritative, biblical teaching, fellowship with one another, presence-led worship and prayer, all of this bringing a sense of awe.
Going in Christ
We have a sidewalk around our church building—we want to be part of the community. One of the common commands in the gospels was “go!” Our relationship with Christ is demonstrated as we get outside the walls and take Jesus across the sidewalk. There are no benchwarmers in the kingdom of God. Everyone has something to offer. We help those who know and grow in Christ to discover their special abilities and help them sharpen their tools to bring Christ to the folks around them. We desire to be a church family focused on love, acceptance and forgiveness as demonstrated by Jesus Christ. As we are focused on knowing, growing, and going out in Christ, we will not be perfect and we will need to live in a community based on the mercy of God. Join us to get closer to Christ. There is always a place for you!